What is Retiready's service charge?
Updated 23 January 2025
The monthly service charge for the Retiready Pension and ISA covers the cost of using Retiready and is based on the total value of your fund. We charge:
- 0.5% a year of your first £50,000
- 0.4% a year of your next £50,000
- 0.3% a year for anything above £100,000
The service charge percentage is based on the total value of your fund, including cash however it it calculated and not applied on the total value of your fund excluding any cash you hold.
Charge percentage applicable is based on your total value including cash however the charge is calculated and applied on the value excluding cash:
- Customer holds £94,500 in funds + 7000 in the cash facility = £101,500 total
- % charge is based on £101,500 = 0.3%
- Charge calculated and applied is based on fund less cash facility value so £94,500 (£94500 x 0.30% = £283.50)
The service charge is collected monthly.
If you’re a workplace customer, or have recently been transferred from your Aegon pension to Retiready, your service charge may be different.
To find out the charges that apply to you, please see the illustration within your online document library.
Other charges may apply and we may vary charges in the future.
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