Consider your risk level and choose your fund
If you have an existing Retiready Pension, you have five funds to choose from and four if you're an ISA investor, each designed to match a different risk level. Click on the numbers below to find out more about the funds.
Your risk level is {placeholder}
The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and isn't guaranteed. The final value of your savings pot when you come to take benefits may be less than has been paid in. There's no guarantee the funds will meet their objectives. You can't access your savings until you take your benefits.
About Retiready Stability
This fund matches our risk level 1 and aims to deliver positive returns in excess of a bank deposit account over the medium to long term. It’s designed for very cautious investors who might otherwise invest in cash or for those whose main priority is preserving the value of their savings rather than growing them. Even if there’s a sudden fall in markets, we wouldn’t expect this fund to fall by more than 5%*, although this isn't guaranteed. The downside to this is that returns are likely to be lower and there’s a greater risk that the real value of your savings may be eroded by inflation over the long term.
The fund invests in a wide variety of investments from all over the world, and in different funds, so investors are not reliant on the success of just one manager or type of investment.
This fund is different from Retiready Solutions 2 to 5. It manages risk in a completely different way and its investment charge of 0.89% is also higher.
For more information and fund specific risks, please see the factsheet.
The Retiready Stability fund is only available for pension investors.
* During the height of the market volatility caused by the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020, the fund fell by less than 5%. (Source: Financial Express, net of charges). This example shouldn't be taken as a guide to how the fund will perform in the future. The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and isn't guaranteed.
Our Retiready Solution ISA funds changed on 7 November 2024. Any previous investment in these funds has been moved to the cash facility. Find out more.
Our Retiready ISA closed to new applications on 31 October 2024. If you're an existing Retiready ISA customer, you can continue to manage it online and transfer in any other ISAs you may hold.
The information below is applicable if you chose to re-invest in the new fund offered.
Our Retiready Solution Pension funds are closed to new investment and are only available to existing Retiready Solution Pension investors.
Retiready Solution 2 ISA (WS Aegon Risk-Managed 3)
Our Retiready Solution ISA funds changed on 7 November 2024. Any previous investment in these funds has been moved to the cash facility. Find out more.
Our Retiready ISA closed to new applications on 31 October 2024. If you're an existing Retiready ISA customer, you can continue to manage it online and transfer in any other ISAs you may hold.
The information below is applicable if you chose to re-invest in the new fund offered.
The fund aims to manage risk by regularly reviewing its mix of investments and making adjustments to keep the fund within its risk level. Although risk is actively managed, it doesn’t mean there’s no risk and the fund could still experience falls in value.
It is designed for investors who have a below average tolerance for risk and value a balance between preserving capital and achieving some capital growth over the long term. The fund invests in a balanced portfolio of fixed interest securities (between 9%-65%) including corporate and government bonds, between 35%-65% in equities (company shares) and between 0%-26% in money market funds. It will gain access to this mix through various index tracker funds, except for the cash investments.
For more information on the fund please see the Key Investor Information Document.
The underlying funds that each Retiready Solution Pension invests in changed as at March 4 2024. This means that they now invest differently to the Retiready Solution ISA funds. Find out more in our FAQ.
About Retiready Solution 2 Pension
This fund matches our risk level 2 and is designed for investors who have a below average tolerance for risk and value a balance between preserving capital and achieving some capital growth over the long term.
It aims to achieve capital growth (after charges) over rolling five-year periods whilst managing risk. The fund invests in a balanced portfolio of fixed interest securities including corporate and government bonds, equities (shares) and money market funds.
Although the investment has no fixed term, you should be prepared to hold the investment for at least five years, and ideally not tie yourself to a fixed date.
See our fund factsheet for more information and fund specific risks. Please note that the underlying funds that each Retiready Solution Pension invests in changed as at March 4 2024. The factsheet may reflect the previous investment strategy.
Our Retiready Solution ISA funds changed on 7 November 2024. Any previous investment in these funds has been moved to the cash facility. Find out more.
Our Retiready ISA closed to new applications on 31 October 2024. If you're an existing Retiready ISA customer, you can continue to manage it online and transfer in any other ISAs you may hold.
The information below is applicable if you chose to re-invest in the new fund offered.
Our Retiready Solution Pension funds are closed to new investment and are only available to existing Retiready Solution Pension investors.
Retiready Solution 3 ISA (WS Aegon Risk-Managed 4)
Our Retiready Solution ISA funds changed on 7 November 2024. Any previous investment in these funds has been moved to the cash facility. Find out more.
Our Retiready ISA closed to new applications on 31 October 2024. If you're an existing Retiready ISA customer, you can continue to manage it online and transfer in any other ISAs you may hold.
The information below is applicable if you chose to re-invest in the new fund offered.
The fund aims to manage risk by regularly reviewing its mix of investments and making adjustments to keep the fund within its risk level. Although risk is actively managed, it doesn’t mean there’s no risk and the fund could still experience falls in value.
It is designed for investors who have an average tolerance for risk, are seeking capital growth over the long-term and are comfortable with the potential for some loss. The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of mainly (between 50%-80%) equities (company shares), between 0%-50% in fixed interest securities including corporate and government bonds, and between 0%-24% in money market funds. It will gain access to this mix through various index tracker funds, except for the cash investments.
For more information on the fund please see the Key Investor Information Document.
The underlying funds that each Retiready Solution Pension invests in changed as at March 4 2024. This means that they now invest differently to the Retiready Solution ISA funds. Find out more in our FAQ.
About Retiready Solution 3 Pension
This fund matches our risk level 3 and is for investors who have an average tolerance for risk, are seeking capital growth over the long-term and are comfortable with the potential for some loss.
It aims to provide capital growth (after charges) over rolling five-year periods whilst managing risk. The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of mainly equities (shares), fixed interest securities including corporate and government bonds, and money market funds.
Although the investment has no fixed term, you should be prepared to hold the investment for at least five years, and ideally not tie yourself to a fixed date.
See our fund factsheet for more information and fund specific risks. Please note that the underlying funds that each Retiready Solution Pension invests in changed as at March 4 2024. The factsheet may reflect the previous investment strategy.
Our Retiready Solution ISA funds changed on 7 November 2024. Any previous investment in these funds has been moved to the cash facility. Find out more.
Our Retiready ISA closed to new applications on 31 October 2024. If you're an existing Retiready ISA customer, you can continue to manage it online and transfer in any other ISAs you may hold.
The information below is applicable if you chose to re-invest in the new fund offered.
Our Retiready Solution Pension funds are closed to new investment and are only available to existing Retiready Solution Pension investors.
Retiready Solution 4 ISA (WS Aegon Risk-Managed 5)
Our Retiready Solution ISA funds changed on 7 November 2024. Any previous investment in these funds has been moved to the cash facility. Find out more.
Our Retiready ISA closed to new applications on 31 October 2024. If you're an existing Retiready ISA customer, you can continue to manage it online and transfer in any other ISAs you may hold.
The information below is applicable if you chose to re-invest in the new fund offered.
The fund aims to manage risk by regularly reviewing its mix of investments and making adjustments to keep the fund within its risk level. Although risk is actively managed, it doesn’t mean there’s no risk and the fund could still experience falls in value.
It is designed for investors who have an above average tolerance for risk, are seeking to maximise capital growth over the long-term and are comfortable with the potential for significant falls in value. The fund invests in a portfolio of mainly (between 65%-95%) equities (company shares). It can also invest in fixed interest securities (between 0%-35%) including corporate and government bonds, and between 0%-22% in money market funds. It will gain access to this mix through various index tracker funds, except for the cash investments.
For more information on the fund please see the Key Investor Information Document.
The underlying funds that each Retiready Solution Pension invests in changed as at March 4 2024. This means that they now invest differently to the Retiready Solution ISA funds. Find out more in our FAQ.
About Retiready Solution 4 Pension
This fund matches our risk level 4 and is designed for investors who have an above average tolerance for risk, are seeking to maximise capital growth over the long-term and are comfortable with the potential for significant falls in value.
It aims to achieve capital growth (after charges) over rolling five-year periods whilst managing risk. The fund invests in a portfolio of mainly equities (shares). It can also invest in fixed interest securities including corporate and government bonds and in money market funds.
Although the investment has no fixed term, you should be prepared to hold the investment for at least five years, and ideally not tie yourself to a fixed date.
See our fund factsheet for more information and fund specific risks. Please note that the underlying funds that each Retiready Solution Pension invests in changed as at March 4 2024. The factsheet may reflect the previous investment strategy.
Our Retiready Solution ISA funds changed on 7 November 2024. Any previous investment in these funds has been moved to the cash facility. Find out more.
Our Retiready ISA closed to new applications on 31 October 2024. If you're an existing Retiready ISA customer, you can continue to manage it online and transfer in any other ISAs you may hold.
The information below is applicable if you chose to re-invest in the new fund offered.
Our Retiready Solution Pension funds are closed to new investment and are only available to existing Retiready Solution Pension investors.
Retiready Solution 5 ISA (WS Aegon Risk-Managed 6)
Our Retiready Solution ISA funds changed on 7 November 2024. Any previous investment in these funds has been moved to the cash facility. Find out more.
Our Retiready ISA closed to new applications on 31 October 2024. If you're an existing Retiready ISA customer, you can continue to manage it online and transfer in any other ISAs you may hold.
The information below is applicable if you chose to re-invest in the new fund offered.
The fund aims to manage risk by regularly reviewing its mix of investments and making adjustments to keep the fund within its risk level. Although risk is actively managed, it doesn’t mean there’s no risk and the fund could still experience falls in value.
It is designed for investors who have high tolerance for risk, are seeking to maximise capital growth over the long-term and are comfortable with the potential for significant and sustained falls in value. The fund invests in a portfolio of mainly (between 80%-100%) equities (company shares). It can also invest in fixed interest securities (between 0%-20%) including corporate and government bonds, and between 0%-20% in money market funds. It will gain access to this mix through various index tracker funds, except for the cash investments.
For more information on the fund please see the Key Investor Information Document.
The underlying funds that each Retiready Solution Pension invests in changed as at March 4 2024. This means that they now invest differently to the Retiready Solution ISA funds. Find out more in our FAQ.
About Retiready Solution 5 Pension
This fund matches our risk level 5 and is designed for investors who have high tolerance for risk, are seeking to maximise capital growth over the long-term and are comfortable with the potential for significant and sustained falls in value.
The fund aims to achieve capital growth (after charges) over rolling five-year periods whilst managing risk. The fund invests in a portfolio of mainly equities (shares). It can also invest in fixed interest securities including corporate and government bonds and money market funds.
Although the investment has no fixed term, you should be prepared to hold the investment for at least five years, and ideally not tie yourself to a fixed date.
See our fund factsheet for more information and fund specific risks. Please note that the underlying funds that each Retiready Solution Pension invests in changed as at March 4 2024. The factsheet may reflect the previous investment strategy.
Not sure what risk level is right for you?
Before you choose a fund, it's important you're clear on your risk level.
Read more information about the different risk levels.

Our stocks & shares ISA
Make saving easy with the Retiready ISA. It's tax efficient to complement or have as an alternative to a pension.

Our stocks & shares ISA
Make saving easy with the Retiready ISA. It's tax efficient to complement or have as an alternative to a pension.