What's the maximum amount I can pay into my ISA?
Updated 28 August 2024
There is a maximum amount you can pay into ISAs each year, and this is set by HM Revenue & Customs. Visit HMRC to find out more.
The ISA annual allowance for the current tax year is £20,000. You can choose to use your whole ISA allowance for your Aegon Stocks and Shares ISA or you can split your ISA allowance across different types of ISA in accordance with the regulations. You mustn't contribute more than £20,000 across any permitted combination of ISAs in the same tax year and it's your responsibility to make sure that you don't exceed the annual ISA allowance. We don't currently offer lifetime, cash or innovative finance ISAs
This information is based on our understanding of current taxation law and HMRC practice, which may change.
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