Changes to the Retiready Solutions ISA fund range – action required
Updated 27 March 2025
The funds you were previously invested in under our Retiready ISA Solutions 2-5 fund range closed on 7th November 2024.
We contacted impacted customers at the time to confirm that we sold the assets from these funds and moved the cash value into your ISA's cash facility You can find out more about how your cash facility works here.
The funds that were affected:
Affected Retiready ISA Solution
Closing fund
Retiready Solution 2
BlackRock Volatility Strategy I (E share class)
Retiready Solution 3
BlackRock Volatility Strategy II (E share class)
Retiready Solution 4
BlackRock Volatility Strategy III (E share class)
Retiready Solution 5
BlackRock Volatility Strategy IV (E share class)
Source: Aegon UK
We note that some customers remain in the cash facility. While this cash is still part of a tax-advantaged ISA, holding savings for any significant length of time in the cash facility may increase the risk that
- Your money doesn't keep pace with inflation, reducing the future buying power of that money.
- You may not meet your investment needs.
If remaining in the cash facility is not your intention and you want to switch into a new fund solution, you can do this by logging into your online account.
If your current regular investments are being re-directed into cash due to the closure, by selecting a new fund solution all future regular payments after we’ve completed the switch will automatically go into that solution.
Fund information for the new ISA investment solutions
The names of each RR ISA solution and its risk level aren't changing. However the charges for each solution will reduce to 0.25% each year.
Here are links to fund specific information about the new funds. You’ll need to confirm you’ve read the relevant Key Investor Information Document (KIID) before selecting a new fund.
Retiready ISA Solution
New fund (available after closure)
More information
Retiready Solution 2
WS Aegon Risk Managed 3
Retiready Solution 3
WS Aegon Risk Managed 4
Retiready Solution 4
WS Aegon Risk Managed 5
Retiready Solution 5
WS Aegon Risk Managed 6
Source: Aegon UK
Alternatively, you can complete the previously supplied switch form and email it to after reading the relevant fund information.
As with the online process, if you complete the switch form and select a new fund solution any regular payments after we’ve completed the switch will automatically go into that solution.
Alternatively, you can still transfer your ISA to another provider if you prefer. Contact the provider for a transfer form. Alternatively visit for more details on this process.
Please remember that the value of investments may go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invest.
View your plan online
You can view your plan online by signing into your Retiready account. If you’ve forgotten your password, you will be able reset it on the page.
More information
You should speak to a financial adviser if you’re not sure or have any questions about your investments. There will be a cost for this service. If you don’t have a financial adviser, you can visit MoneyHelper to find the right one for you.
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