As annuity rates can change substantially and rapidly, there is no guarantee that when you do purchase an annuity the rates will be favourable. This could mean that your pension income may be less than you hoped for.
For free and impartial guidance to help you understand what you can do with your pension pot visit Pension Wise, a service from MoneyHelper which is backed by the government. If you're over age 50, you can arrange an appointment with Pension Wise - this can be face-to-face or by telephone. If you're unsure which retirement option is best for you, we recommend seeking advice from a financial adviser. There may be a charge for this.
Aegon Assist can also offer free guidance on retirement planning. Our goal is to offer you guidance so you can make an informed financial decision. We can also make sense of any technical jargon you may not be familiar with.
To avoid delays in processing please make sure you include all the required documents to support your application. Full details can be found here.